Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My MC was 435004.
I wanna look for certain MRCS staffs there. Can you help me?
E-mail : dangtrieu@nghiathanh.com
Dien thoai 3940 2866 Fax 3940 2866
DT Di dong : 090 318 2789
Hãy bảo vệ rừng. Đừng in văn bản ra giấy nếu thật sự không cần thiết

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mail From Muoi

Hi Ahmad,

I was on Palau Pinang between April 5 through May 2, 1979. Our boat hit the rock when it got close to Pinang and sank. We managed to swim toward the island. During the stay in Pinang, one young boy died the 3rd day on Pinang. He was having illness in his stomach. He made his journey to freeland but not made it out of Pinang. His body was carried over to another island aross Pinang and buried there. I stayed in the right hand side of the long house in the 2nd room. My family were starving because we have no money to buy any food from the small village. Once I stepped on a piece of broken glass and my right foot was bleeding. One of the resident of the village took care of me and wrapped up my wound-foot. Pinang is so beautiful. I still cannot find a place in America that is as beautiful as Pinang.

I am still having nightmare of the journey. In my dream, I was still in Vietnam and I lived on the street without food. I know it is the past that I cannot get over with. I know I will make a trip to Pulau Bidong, and hopefully, able to come to Pinang. By doing this, I hope it will close the chapter. I don't mean to forget about the place, but I want to face it again, that it is not that bad after all.

I felt happy and sad when I left Bidong. It was such a mixed feeling that is difficult to describe. Do you have picutres of Pinang, the long house, and the beach? If you do, can you post it on the site?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mail From Van Do


I would like to contribute my little story to add to other countless stories filled with tribulations and suffering of that era. We were one of lucky ones to have made it to Paulo Bidong unscathed. Our boat number was PB977. I will never forget. Often times I have reflected on the journey we have take and I am thankful for the courage of my parents to have successfully planned our escape and eventually brought 42 people to safety. We land in Malaysia on the 6th of Sep. 1983. Undoubtedly, we were guided from Above!

I am very glad to have found your website. Hopefully, I can reconnect with other people from PB977.


Van Do